The Traralgon West Precinct is approximately 331ha in size and comprises of 205 lots zoned Rural Living Zone, Low Density Residential Zone or Farming Zone. The subject area is bounded by Traralgon West Road to the north, Traralgon township to the east, the Princes Highway to the south and the Traralgon Airport and existing Rural Living subdivision to the west. Significant parcels within the Precinct include the Hollydale Strategic Development Site and the Traralgon Golf Club. See figure 1 below.
The Traralgon West Precinct is identified in the Morwell to Traralgon Structure Plan as ‘Future Residential Area’ in the Latrobe Planning Scheme.
What is the Traralgon West Precinct Project?
In 2023, Latrobe City Council appointed consultants to undertake an Issues, Opportunities and Options Report on the Traralgon West Precinct.
The purpose of the report was to understand the issues and opportunities of the Traralgon West Precinct to ensure that development at a greater residential density as envisaged in the Morwell to Traralgon Structure Plan was still achievable. If achievable, the report would recommend options for further work and also make Planning Scheme Amendment recommendations.
The draft Traralgon West Issue, Opportunities and Options report was endorsed by Council on 4 December 2023. The report detailed that whilst the precinct was heavily fragmented it was still viable and still likely to achieve a greater residential density. However, the continued fragmentation of the land needs to cease until such time as an appropriate zone can be determined.
The report highlighted a number of issues that need to be worked through, including:
Viability and willingness of the Traralgon Golf Club to transition to a residential density.
The most appropriate zone for residential development.
A number of background assessment and studies will be needed to inform key issues such as appropriate density, zone, development potential.
The need to ensure enough land supply is available in the next 5-7 years for Traralgon.
The Traralgon West IOO report recommended the following 3 stage process for the implementation of the Traralgon West Precinct for future residential as envisaged by the structure plan. The 3 stage process is outlined in Figure 2 below.
Current Stage
Stage 1 – Amendment C144 – Development Plan Overlay
Details and information can be found on the Amendment C144 page.
Stage 2 – Development Plan and Development Contribution Plan
At the 16 December 2024 Council Meeting, Council resolved to:
1. Abandons Amendment C144 in accordance with Section 23 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 for the following reasons:
a. As it is not in the interest of the whole community. As represented numerous times in the media, at the Council Meeting and with submissions.
b. Developing the golf course will make the Bank Street Railway crossing and intersection hazardous to all road users.
c. Will result in the loss of the Traralgon Golf Club
d. The local area will experience the loss of the liveability of their neighbourhood.
2. Advises the Minister for Planning in accordance with Section 28 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to inform her of Council’s decision to abandon Amendment C144.
3. Advises those persons who made written submissions to Amendment C144 of Council’s decision.
4. Undertake all necessary strategic planning work, as a matter of urgency, for the preparation of two separate planning scheme amendments to facilitate the rezoning of the land at:
a. 280A Princes Street, Traralgon (Traralgon Golf Course) to a more appropriate zone given its current use as a golf course;and
b. 5483 and 5495 Princes Highway, Traralgon (known as Hollydale) to a mix of General Residential and Commercial 1 Zoning.
5. Reallocate $420,000+GST from the existing Traralgon West Development Plan budget to undertake the work identified under point 4 of this resolution.