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Animals and Pets

All you need to know about owning a pet in Latrobe City.Find your lost pet, adopt a pound animal, dangerous dogs and noise control and unleashed dog areas.

  • Lost Animals

    If you have lost your animal, search our impounded animals register.

  • Animal Adoptions

    register your interest for unclaimed impounded animals available for adoption. 

  • Pet Registration

    Registration requirements for your animal. 

  • Desexing and Microchipping

    Compulsory microchipping and desexing requirements for cats and dogs. 

  • Unleashed Dog Area

    Areas in the municipality dogs can be exercised off their leash.

  • Nuisance Animals and Pests

    Regulations outlined under the Domestic Animals Act 1994. 

  • Keeping of Animals

    The number of each animal type that can be kept on a residential property without a permit. 

  • Animal Welfare Advisory Commitee

    To provide advice, Information and feedback to Council in relation to the functions of the Animal Management team and pound operations. 

  • Domestic Animal Businesses

    Council administer Domestic Animal Business registrations and compliance in line with the Domestic Animals Act 1994 and relevant Codes of Practice and report back to Agriculture Victoria.

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