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Latrobe City Community Gaming Support Fund Guidelines (Latrobe City Trust)

Applications open: 06 January to 02 March, 2025

The Latrobe City Trust was established in 1999 by the La Trobe Shire Council for the purpose of providing an independent charitable trust that provides for the future of the Latrobe community.

The Trust manages various funds, one of which is the Latrobe City Community Gaming Support Fund (previously known as the Gambling Impact Fund) pursuant to the Latrobe City Community Gaming Agreement adopted by Council on 21 June 2010.

Financial support is available through the Latrobe City Community Gaming Support Fund to assist individuals and families, particularly those directly and indirectly affected by the associated issues of harm from gambling.

Under the terms of the Agreement, Council provides local gaming venue operators with a general rates waiver of 100% in return for contributing an amount equivalent to 110% of their general rates into the Latrobe City Community Gaming Support Fund to directly benefit our local community.

The Trust invites applications for funding from individuals and organisations providing support services and/or alternative programs/activities to assist the disadvantaged within our community including those experiencing hardship as a consequence of gambling.

Grants are available annually for a broad spectrum of community projects within the Latrobe City, including education and counselling programs, community development initiatives, individual capacity building programs, youth development programs, sport and recreation initiatives, arts and culture, and community engagement and social inclusion activities.

Criteria for assessment of applications

The following general eligibility criteria have been developed as a guide to the types of programs to which priority consideration will be given for grants from the Latrobe City Community Gaming Support Fund:

Community development programs that demonstrate a benefit to the community.

Programs/projects that will offer effective counselling and diversionary services that address harm from gambling for individuals and families

Programs/projects that demonstrate community strengthening and/or capacity building particularly for those directly or indirectly affected by the associated issues of harm from gambling.

Applications should also:

  • Be strategically linked to other developments promoting social and economic development in the local community
  • Build on best practice and be innovative
  • Demonstrate and require a contribution from the community or agency / organisation
  • Demonstrate the capacity for successful implementation
  • Represent value for money

Funds will not be allocated for the following:

  • Applications from key operatives as defined by the Gambling Regulation Act 2003
  • Agencies or activities not based in the Latrobe City or benefiting the municipality’s residents
  • Retrospective purposes of any description
  • Commercial activities
  • Projects where the activity is clearly the core funding responsibility of State/Commonwealth government, unless the applicant can demonstrate that additional funding will expand and/or enhance the project and deliver practical benefits for the Latrobe City community
  • Projects which are not universally accessible to all sections of the community
  • Applications seeking funding for a third party
  • Projects that have successfully obtained a Capital Works Grant or a Minor Community Grant from Latrobe City Council in the current financial year

Selection  Process

  • All eligible applications will be considered by the Latrobe City Trust trustees.  Applicants must be prepared to be interviewed or provide additional information on request.
  • Merit is the primary test of the quality of an application; however in determining the level of the grant, consideration will be given to financial need
  • An assessment is made of the benefits that this will bring to the community, following the completion of the project for which the grant is sought
  • The Latrobe City Trust reserves the right to cancel a grant if, in its opinion, the purposes for which the grant was approved change substantially, or if there is evidence of unsatisfactory progress
  • Recipients of grants are required to submit a Funding Acquittal on the project undertaken, and endeavor to promote the Latrobe City Trust wherever possible
  • The Trust’s decision on all applications is final and no correspondence will be entered into relating to unsuccessful  applications

Please note that as the Latrobe City Trust is a charitable trust under the Taxation Act, it may be necessary for the Trustees to refer your application to the Taxation Department.

The Trustees have absolute discretion as to which applicants will receive a grant.


Applications must be lodged through Smartygrants. Please complete all questions and the cost summary.

Further attachments may be included, but all information must initially be supplied on the official application form.

Where applicable, the following information must also be supplied:

  • Copy of last audited financial report
  • Copy of constitution

How to Lodge an Application

Applications are to be completed through the SmartyGrants website

Applicants should understand that the limited funds of the Latrobe City Trust will not allow all proposals of merit to be funded. Rejection of an application, therefore, need not mean that it was not well regarded by the Trustees.

Apply Now


For further information phone the Governance team -

Latrobe City Trust

PO Box 264, Morwell 3840
Telephone 1300 367 700

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