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Submissions Open for Future of Old Methodist Church

Media Release

Latrobe City Council are seeking ideas from community about the future use and location of the Old Methodist Church.

Community members are encouraged to share their ideas and proposals through an online consultation process that will help Council identify potential opportunities for the future of the Church building.

If an individual or a community group has an idea but is yet to fully explore the details of the proposal, Council is also keen to hear from you.

Council is seeking specific information about the idea for the use, source of funding and support required.  An allocation of $86,000 will be contributed by Council to the subsequent resolution for its use.

In previous years, the Church was the home of the Visitor Information Centre.  In 2018 the decision was made to relocate this service to the new Gippsland Performing Arts Centre.

The Church is currently vacant and situated in the forecourt at Traralgon Railway Station, under a lease with Department of Transport (DOT) which has expired.

A Heritage Assessment conducted in 2022 has determined the building has local historical value.

Mayor of Latrobe City Council, Councillor Kellie O’Callaghan said Council acknowledges the Old Methodist Church is a sentimental asset for many in the community.

“We understand that many in the community have aspirations for the future of the Church, it is for this reason that we are seeking community input as to what this may look like,” said the Mayor.

“Community and business have the opportunity to engage with Council on the future use and locations for the Church. Community and historical representatives, who have previously addressed Council, have spoken of potential opportunities and future uses for the Church. These ideas have been diverse and creative, we welcome the opportunity to hear from the broader community as they share their perspectives to aid in informing the future of the Church.

“Council is encouraging community groups, businesses or individuals to submit their ideas or proposals. We look forward to reviewing submissions from this community consultation which will help inform a resolution for the future of the Church.

“Individuals or groups can submit their idea through our online engagement platform, or if they prefer can speak to Council officers at one of the ‘Drop-in’ sessions, there will also be an opportunity for interested parties to participate in a walkthrough of the Church.”

Residents can submit their proposals or ideas through Council’s Have Your Say online platform

Council will be accepting proposal submissions over a four-week period, beginning Wednesday 23 August.

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