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Climate Change and New Energy Investment

Media Release

Latrobe City Council noted its position on climate change and endorsed further works to be undertaken in new energy projects at its Council Meeting this week. 

Council has held a position on climate change for over a decade, with its first statement underlining the need to address climate change back in 2010. 

Council has been preparing for anticipated closures of traditional energy and mining industries with support for the adoption of alternative energy solutions and low emission technologies. 

Council’s position was further refined in 2020, where community shared their voice through the Community Vision, Council Plan and Living Well Latrobe. 

As a result, actions developed within the Council Plan include working towards zero energy emissions across Council operations; delivering sustainability initiatives and actions to adapt to a changing climate; along with investing in urban greening initiatives and the City’s tree canopy. 

Council continues to embrace new investment in alternative energy, with $3.95 million allocated to deliver public lighting upgrades and solar panel installations across local facilities. This supports previous initiatives including delivering the first Council-owned and operated biogas generator and geothermally heated aquatic centre in Victoria, solar energy installations and reducing the size of our vehicle fleet. 

Mayor of Latrobe City, Councillor Kellie O’Callaghan said Council has a responsibility to ensure every effort is taken to minimise environmental impact. 

“Council has acknowledged for a long time that we must take action on climate change, both by supporting international and Australian efforts and focusing on our own impact locally. We are proud to invest in alternative energy solutions, with this $3.95 million investment expected to reduce our carbon footprint by a further 30 per cent. 

“We are also working collaboratively with other Gippsland Councils to deliver innovative solutions that respond to shared challenges of a changing climate. This includes our involvement in the Gippsland Alliance for Climate Action. 

“We expect this work will only continue to grow as we navigate energy transition and outline our actions in a Sustainability Action Plan which will be developed in 2023,” said the Mayor. 

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