Name | Address | Contact Details | Website and Social Media | Details | Operations | Service Options |
Kelseys florist | 203 commercial road , Morwell, Victoria, 3840 | Pru howlett , 0351341706, 0408334412, | , | Fresh flower arrangements plants gifts | Mothers Day open Sunday for all your deliveries and pickups | Delivery; Pick-up; Online Shopping |
Lilly pilly flower boutique | 12 Moore Street, Moe, VIC, 3825 | Danielle , 0351278122, |, @LillyPillyFlowerBoutique | Putting smiles on peoples faces with fresh blooms and plants is our thing! Delivery available from Warragul to Traralgon Great range of locally made gifts available in store |
Mon- Frid 9am-5:30pm Sat 9am - 1pm |
Delivery;Pick-up;Online Shopping |
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