Planning Advice
Do you need a planning permit?
You may need a planning permit if you are changing the way your land is used. This can include things like constructing or changing a building, using land in a new way, displaying a sign, subdividing land or removing vegetation. We recommend you talk to us before starting any project in Latrobe City.
Talk to our planners
Talk to our planner on duty for:
- general planning advice
- answers to informal planning questions.
Before you apply, you can also find information for pre-application advice via the Latrobe City Councils web page:
Submit a planning enquiry
Submit a planning enquiry when you need a written response or confirmation from our Planning department.
Complete the online form providing details of your proposal, upload plans (if you have them) and what you would like to know.
The fee for written planning advice is $150 for minor applications and $228 for major applications.
You will receive a response in approximately 10 business days.
Pre-application – Statutory Planning
A pre-application seeks to give advice on planning applications before they are formally submitted. We suggest booking a pre-application meeting during the design process so we can help you to resolve issues that might arise during the formal application.
If your proposal or question is simple, you may not require a face-to-face meeting. You can speak to a planner at our planning counter at our Morwell Customer Service Centre, or ask for general pre-application advice over the phone on 1300 367 700.
We recommend a face-to-face pre-application meeting if you have a major or complex development proposal, or if you have never lodged a planning application before.
What do I need to include when booking a pre-application meeting?
You must apply for a pre-application meeting via:
To get the best advice and direction for your proposal, start the process early. It's helpful to provide the following information with your request:
- the address
- a description of your proposal
- a site plan showing the proposed design in context with adjoining properties
- floor plans
- elevations.
A Planning Officer will review the information you have provided and will contact you to organise a time to discuss your request. After you have received the pre-application advice, you can contact the planning officer directly if you need further assistance, prior to lodging your full application.
If you don't have this all together just yet, don't worry. You can speak to a planner at our planning counter, or ask for general pre-application advice over the phone.
About planning zones
All of the land in Victoria is divided into areas called zones by local government – via maps in their planning schemes. The zones indicate whether a planning permit is required to construct a building or carry out works. These zones determine what land can and can’t be used for. They are one of the elements of a planning scheme that can determine whether or not a planning permit is required.
What planning zone is my property in?
To find out the zoning of your property, you can apply for a planning certificate from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).
You may also search planning scheme maps with:
- a property address
- a Melways reference
- a lot and plan number
using the service provided by Land Channel.
You can find a property or place by street address, suburb or town, lot on plan, coordinates or street directory, and get a report with location details, planning zone summaries and more.