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Emergency information, contacts and bushfire prevention.For your own safety keep up to date with the latest bushfire information.  

Official emergency broadcasters and providing updates and information:

  • ABC radio (100.7 FM and 828 AM)
  • TRFM (99.5 FM)
  • Gold 1242 (1242 AM)

For information on current fires in Gippsland and other parts of Victoria please contact the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL) on free-call 1800 240 667 or visit the following websites: 

For information on road closures visit:

Callers who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech / communication impairment may call the Victorian Bushfire Information Hotline through the National Relay Service using a modem or textphone/teletypewriter (TTY) by dialling 1800 555 677 then asking for 1800 240 667.

Council's Role In an Emergency

If there is a fire incident in Latrobe City over the course of the season, Council’s role is to support the Incident Controller in a range of tasks, including communications. The Incident Control Centre has representatives from a number of different agencies, including Council. Communications during the event are the responsibility of the Incident Controller.

Current Conditions

  • Fire Danger Period Commenced on 18 December 2023. 

Residents should prepare their properties for the upcoming fire season and refer to the Country Fire Authority website for further information. 

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