Weeds pose a serious threat to agriculture and biodiversity within Latrobe City. Many species have the potential to reduce agricultural productivity, displace native species, impact social values and human health, and contribute to the degradation of land and waterways. The associated management costs are significant.
Within Victoria, invasive plants can be declared as noxious weeds under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (CaLP Act). The Act defines four categories of noxious weeds, each with different responsibilities for control. The categories are:
- State prohibited
- Regionally prohibited
- Regionally controlled
- Restricted
Widespread weeds such as blackberry, ragwort, and spear thistle are typically classified as ‘regionally controlled’. To prevent the spread of regionally controlled weeds, on-going control measures and collaborative efforts are required. Under the CaLP Act landowners have the responsibility to take all reasonable steps to prevent the growth and spread of regionally controlled weeds on their land.
Further information about the categories of noxious weeds and the responsibilities for control can be found on the Agriculture Victoria website.
Information about noxious weeds and their control can be found here or in the Common Weeds of Gippsland booklet.
Weed control grants are available to help landholders control noxious and environmental weeds on private land. more information can be found here.
Weed Management in Council’s Bushland Reserves
Latrobe City Council develop annual weed control programs, targeting noxious and environmental weeds, to improve the quality and values of our bushland reserves.
Reserve volunteers also assist with weed management under the umbrella of Community Asset Committees or Friends Groups. Works are guided by the development of reserve management plans and supervised by the Latrobe City Council Sustainability and Environment Team. Information about volunteering within Council reserves can be found here.
Weeds on Roadsides
Management of noxious weeds within the road reserve depends upon the classification of the road under the Transport Act 1983 and the classification of the weed under the CaLP Act.
On freeways and arterial roads, the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is responsible for the control of noxious weeds. A map of DTP roads can be found here. To report noxious weeds on DTP land please visit Message Us: VicRoads, select ‘Roads and Traffic Hazards’ from the category options, then ‘Environment’ from the subject options and follow the prompts.
On municipal roads, Council is responsible for noxious weed control, which is undertaken in accordance with an approved Roadside Weed and Pest Control Plan. The plan prioritises the management of ‘regionally prohibited’ and ‘regionally controlled’ weeds on roadsides in line with State and regional priorities.
To report noxious weeds on Council managed roadsides please contact Council or try using the Snap, Send, Solve app.
For further information about weeds and pest animals please contact SE@latrobe.vic.gov.au
Invasive Animals
Latrobe City Council undertake management of pest animals in accordance with the Roadside Weed and Pest Control Plan. For information on the management of invasive animals in Victoria, or on your property, go to Agriculture Victoria’s Invasive Animal website.
What you can do to help
- Remove weeds from your garden and nature strip or property and roadside;
- Dispose of weeds in your green waste bin or at a green waste facility where the hot composting process will destroy any weed seeds.
- Do not leave pet food outside where it can be eaten by foxes and other pest animals.
- Keep your cat inside between dawn and dusk so that it does not kill native animals.
- Keep your dog on a lead when visiting bushland reserves.
- Report Weed infestations on public land to the appropriate authority.
Where can you get more information?
- Visit the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Pests, Diseases and Weeds website.
- Visit the Agriculture Victoria website for Biosecurity.
- Visit the Victoria State Government website on Invasive Plants and Animals.
- Phone the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on 136 186 for free expert advice and information on identifying and managing weeds and pest animals.
Contact Us
For questions or concerns regarding weed management on council land SE@latrobe.vic.gov.au