Personal Details First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Request Change to Membership Membership Type Gold - Access to Gym, Pool, Sauna, Group Fitness Silver - Select an option Bronze - Select an option Silver Membership Options Gym and Pool Gym and Group Fitness Pool and Group Fitness Bronze Membership Options Gym Pool Group Fitness I would like my membership to change from Do you have a concession card or student ID? Yes No Please note a valid concession card must be presented at your first visit. Are you wanting an off-peak membership? Yes No Off-peak members have access limited from 11am to 3pm weekdays and normal operating hours for weekends and public holidays. Information message Concession/Student and Off-peak memberships available.Please discuss with our friendly staff when you attend the centre.Direct debit payments are made each fortnight on a Friday.A membership upgrade request may incur a prorata charge between Direct Debits payments. Membership location Latrobe Leisure Churchill Latrobe Leisure Moe/Newborough Latrobe Leisure Morwell Leave this field blank