Latrobe City Council is committed to supporting our community members as they age by creating opportunities to respect, consider and plan for their needs to age positively.
During October, we will be celebrating Positive Ageing with exciting free activities and events throughout the municipality for members of the community aged 55+.
For more information please click on individual links below:
Positive Ageing Festival: Latrobe Leisure Morwell Gym Tour and Gentle Moves Class
Positive Ageing Festival: Latrobe Leisure Moe Newborough Aqua Class
Positive Ageing Festival: Gippsland Performing Arts Centre Tour
Positive Ageing Festival: Seniors Week Country Concert Featuring Lonnie
Positive Ageing Festival:Latrobe Leisure Morwell Gentle Moves Class
Positive Ageing Festival:Latrobe Leisure Morwell Gym Tour and Active Adults Class
Positive Ageing Festival: Latrobe Leisure Churchill Gym Tour and Gentle Moves Class
Positive Ageing Festival: Traralgon Walk and Talk
Positive Ageing Festival: Gippsland Regional Aquatic Centre Introduction To The Gym
Positive Ageing Festival: Story Time at Moe Library