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Latrobe City Community Gaming Support Fund (Open)

Through the contributions made by local gaming venue operators under the Latrobe City Community Gaming Agreement, grants are provided to assist individuals and families, particularly those directly and indirectly affected by the associated issues of problem gaming.

Latrobe City Council provides local gaming venue operators with a general rates waiver of 100% in return for contributing an amount equivalent to 110% of their general rates into the Fund to benefit our local community.

Grants are available bi-annually for a broad spectrum of community projects with Grant Rounds scheduled for March and September each financial year. Application Form required.

Latrobe Community Arts Fund (Open)

The Latrobe Community Arts Fund was established in 2016 to facilitate the development, promotion and encouragement of the Arts in the Latrobe Valley community.

Applications are invited from groups or individuals who are undertaking an Arts initiative to foster the development and appreciation of the arts across the general community. Fields include, but are not limited to, Music, Visual Arts, Literature, and Performing Arts.

Applicants will reside in, and be conducting an activity within the Latrobe Valley. Further eligibility requirements are listed in the Latrobe Community Arts Fund Guidelines.

Emergency Relief Network of Latrobe City 

On behalf of Latrobe City Council, the Trust receives donations from the Magistrates' Court of Victoria Court Fund governed by Court Services Victoria.

Assistance may be provided in the form of food, accommodation, travel, pharmaceuticals, utilities, clothing, furniture items and household goods. 

The Trust distributes grants to emergency relief agencies participating in Council’s integrated Emergency Relief Network of Latrobe City [ERNLaC]. Grant rounds are scheduled under a specific ERNLaC program; to provide emergency relief services to the local community. Enquiries to Latrobe City Council on 1300 367 700.

MSE Williams Youth Support Fund 

The aim of the MSE Williams (Youth Support) Fund is to support those young people who show the potential and desire to further their talents, but who without assistance may lack the resources to achieve their full potential.

Grants of up to $500 are available to support any young person with determination to advance themselves, in any field of endeavour including (but not limited to) education and training; visual or performing arts; sport; trade skills; music; in order to pay for or subsidise associated expenses e.g. compulsory fees, equipment, textbooks, etc.

Lorraine Bartling Scholarship in Nursing and or Social Work

The scholarship provides a once-off grant of $1000, intended to assist with the further development of the applicant’s skills or qualifications. 

The intention of the Trust is to support students majoring and or wishing to further develop their skills in the fields of nursing and/or social work with a view to strengthening the overall workforce capability across the Gippsland region.

Jean Galbraith Memorial Rotary Scholarship

The award provides a grant of $500 for each year of studies, intended to assist with purchase of course materials or with field work costs. 

Applicants will have completed at least the first year of a university science-orientated degree course, including first year biology, with very good results. They will be children of Latrobe City residents or have completed at least two years of their secondary education within the municipality and/or be enrolled or intending to enrol at Federation University Gippsland.


Eva West Memorial Scholarship Fund 

The scholarship guidelines are currently under review.

The W.A (Bert) Thompson Memorial Fund

A trust fund established by the daughters of the late W.A.(Bert) Thompson to commemorate the significant contribution of their father to the Latrobe community during his lifetime, and his devotion to big band music.

Their intention was to establish a perpetual fund for the annual distribution of funds for certain brass section awards at the Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod and ensure the future of the W.A. Thompson Cup.

Edwin James Austin Fund

The late Mr Edwin (Ted) James Austin left his footprint on the community he had loved and served when he passed away in 2001. 

His generous bequest saw the establishment of a perpetual scholarship awarded annually to the male and female dux of year 6 for academic achievement and good citizenship at Morwell Central Primary School.

His legacy also provided for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the Morwell Rose Garden and Airlie Bank Homestead.



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