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Latrobe Valley Beekeepers Association

Organisation Details

Latrobe Valley Beekeepers Association Incorporated

Incorporation Number: A0104618U

ABN 29 508 106 826

The Latrobe Valley Beekeepers Association exists to promote ethical beekeeping practice by providing a welcoming, social and supportive environment for beekeepers in the Latrobe Valley and surrounding areas.

The association's primary focus is to encourage new people into this fascinating craft and educate the public on the important role bees play in our lives. We achieve this by:

  • Providing a local association for members to increase knowledge of bees and beekeeping practice at our events and meetings;
  • Providing a supportive environment for beekeepers to meet, socialise and share experience providing mentorship opportunities for newcomers;
  • Demonstrating safe and ethical beekeeping practice to help improve beekeeping standards within our local region; and
  • Educating the community about the importance of bees to our environmental health and food security.


99 Saviges Road, Moe

Contact Details

Primary Contact: Sean

Telephone: 0466 041 199



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