What is Amendment C143?
The Amendment applies the Public Acquisition Overlay to part of 23 properties (11 properties in Newborough, 11 properties in Morwell and 1 property in Traralgon) to advance the acquisition of land required for public purposes in our growth areas.
The affected land has been identified for road infrastructure, drainage infrastructure or active open space in either the Lake Narracan Precinct Structure Plan & Development Contributions Plan, Morwell North West Development Plan & Development Contributions Plan, or the Traralgon North Development Plan & Development Contributions Plan. Figure 1-3 – Subject Sites.
What does Amendment C143 do?
The amendment will:
insert Planning Scheme Map No.s 24PAO, 25PAO, 30PAO, 50PAO, 71PAO, and 76PAO to apply the Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO2 or PAO3) to the 23 identified properties;
amend the Schedule to Clause 45.01 (Public Acquisition Overlay) to make:
- Latrobe City Council the Acquiring Authority for the PAO2 with the purpose of the acquisition ‘Road projects’;
- Latrobe City Council the Acquiring authority for the PAO3 with the purpose of the acquisition ‘Drainage / Open space reserves’;
- amend the schedule to Clause 72.03 – What does this planning scheme consist of? to reference 24PAO, 25PAO, 30PAO, 50PAO, 71PAO, and 76PAO;
- amend the schedule to Clause 74.01 – Application of zones, overlays and provisions to outline how the Public Acquisition Overlay implements the Municipal Planning Strategy.
Current Stage: Planning Panel
Public Exhibition of the amendment took place between 21 November 2024 and 23 December 2024 resulting in a total of 7 written submissions being received.
At the 24 February 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council considered all submissions received to Amendment C143 and resolved to request a Planning Panel be appointed by the Minister for Planning to review Amendment C143 and the submissions received.
On the 28 February 2025, council officers requested the Minister appoint a Planning Panel for Amendment C143. Planning Panels Victoria will now organise the Planning Panel and contact any submitters to advise the Planning Panel process and the process to register to speak at the Panel.
The Directions Hearing will be held online at 2pm on Tuesday 25 March 2025. Click hear to join Directions Hearing online
Meeting ID: 494 589 272 998 Passcode: Uy6c9pm2
The Planning Panel will likely be held the week of the 28 April 2025.
Submitters will be advised of the exact date and location of the Directions Hearing and Planning Panel once these details have been finalised.
Planning Panels are open to the public. Details about how you can attend as a spectator will be provided once the date and venue have been confirmed.
Further Information
Please contact a member of the Strategic Planning Team on 1300 367 700 for any enquiries relating to Planning Scheme Amendment C143.